Please follow the following steps to get started with Xdebug Cloud.

PHP Set-Up

  1. On the Xdebug Cloud website, sign up for a package.

  2. Once you have confirmed your email, and your account is validated and activated, you can find your connection token(s) on your profile page.

  3. Single User:

    In php.ini, configure the Xdebug 3 setting xdebug.cloud_id to the value of the connection token that you found on your profile page.


    Multiple Users using the same server:

    In php.ini, configure the Xdebug 3 setting xdebug.trigger_value to the value(s) of the connection token(s) that you found on your profile page, separated by a comma.


    In "Multi-user" mode, you will need to use the exact connection token as value to XDEBUG_SESSION, or as value in the browser extension to trigger debugging. See Xdebug's documentation for more information.

    Please note that your system might have a different php.ini file for Apache, PHP-FPM, and/or the CLI. You can use Xdebug's wizard to help you with Xdebug's installation and configuration.

  4. Restart your web server, PHP-FPM service, or Docker container if you're using that.

IDE Set-Up: PhpStorm #

  1. In PhpStorm's settings search for Xdebug Cloud, check Connect to Xdebug Cloud, and enter your connection token/Cloud ID from your profile page:

    This token needs to match the one that you have configured in php.ini in step 3.

  2. You can now activate Run | Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections in PhpStorm's menu. This will connect PhpStorm to Xdebug Cloud.

    When a debug session starts in your PHP application, Xdebug will connect through the Xdebug Cloud service to PhpStorm.

IDE Set-Up: VS Code #

  1. Create an entry in the launch.json configuration. Use a token/Cloud ID from your profile page as value for xdebugCloudToken, and then save the file.

                "name": "Connect to Xdebug Cloud",
                "type": "php",
                "request": "launch",
                "xdebugCloudToken": "dbdc2b8a-ce7a-4ae7-9933-fa0d69437b00"
  2. You can now select the "Connect to Xdebug Cloud" item in the dropdown box, and press the "play" icon to connect to Xdebug Cloud.

    When a debug session starts in your PHP application, Xdebug will connect through the Xdebug Cloud service to Visual Studio Code.

Please contact support if you encounter any problems.